

To empower
working people

We want to create a future, where,
people are living with more excitement and joy.
That is why we, KOMPEITO,
support all working people.

We believe that
supporting working people to live healthy and happy days
leads to the prosperity of society.

Corporate Mission

the world

We believe that “Stimulating”
brings fresh ideas and mechanisms that have never existed in the world,
and is equivalent to the ever-changing world itself.

Like colorful and edgy Japanese snack “Kompeito,”
we bring energy to the world
with colorful and exciting team!

About the Founder

Founder and CEO
Shun Watanabe

Joined a Japanese consulting firm as a new graduate. Mainly engaged in consulting for improving the efficiency of SCM (purchasing and logistics) for local manufacturers. From around 2010, started researching about agricultural consulting instead of manufacturing consulting. In 2012, with the passion to bringing an impact for revitalizing the agricultural industry, he founded KOMPEITO Inc. to build a new distribution channel.

Corporate Profile

Company Name
  • Tokyo Head Office
    5F, 2nd Okura Building, 2-28-5, Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, TokyoMAP
  • Nagoya branch
    1-2F, Hana-guruma Building North Tower, 5-4-14, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, AichiMAP
  • Kyoto branch
    3-5F, Kuroto Building, 376, Funairimachi, Nijo Shimoru, Kawaramachi Street, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, KyotoMAP
  • Fukuoka branch
    5-6F, Sun Life 3rd Building, 2-5-19, Hakata Station East, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, FukuokaMAP
Board of Directors
CEO, Shun Watanabe
Director, Kenji Taketomi
Director, Yuki Umezu
Director, Rikako Yoshioka
External Director, Yusuke Murata (Incubate Fund)
External Director, Takeshi Kitagawa (Senior Corporate Officer, Kewpie Corporation)
External Director, Kunio Yokoyama (CEO, PCI Holdings,INC)
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Yoichi Kiritake
External Auditor, Yuji So
External Auditor, Ryohei Koike
1,456,600,788 yen (including capital reserve)
Founding members
Nissei Capital Co., Ltd.
Kewpie Corporation
Tsuneishi Capital Partners Co., Ltd.
JA Zennoh
JIC Venture Growth Investments Co., Ltd.
Incubate Fund Co., Ltd.
  • "OFFICE DE YASAI" a welfare service that supports the health of employees
  • "OFFICE DE MEDIA" a promotion and sampling service in offices
  • "SALAD STAND" a next generation salad vending machine


OFFICE DE YASAI (“vegetables in offices”) is a “placement type healthy company cafeteria®” service that started in 2014.
Currently, it has been installed in a total of approximately 6,500 locations nationwide. (as of June 2023)
This is a food welfare service that regularly delivers healthy and delicious salads, fruits, side dishes, etc. simply by installing a dedicated refrigerator or freezer in the office.
Since it enables eating healthy meals easily while staying in the office, there is a rapid increase in demand for the companies who wish to install it as part of health management, as an initiative to improve employee satisfaction, revitalize internal communication, and strengthen recruitment.

  1. As measures for health management
  2. To improve the eating habits of employees
  3. To create a comfortable working environment and improve employee satisfaction

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"OFFICE DE MEDIA " is digital signage media using tablet devices installed on the refrigerator of "OFFICE DE YASAI".
It is possible to directly appeal to office workers, and in addition to introducing OFFICE DE YASAI products, it also broadcasts information content, video advertisements, company announcements, etc.
It is the only media that allows [recognition] → [interest] → [action] → [evaluation] in the office by linking product sampling in the installed refrigerator.

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SALAD STAND is a vending machine that sells chilled fresh salads made with vegetables directly from the farm.
In addition to salads, you can easily purchase healthy products such as fruits and cold-pressed juices whenever you like.
Currently, we have two locations in Tokyo, and we will continue to increase the number of installations, mainly in Tokyo.

[Equipped with dynamic pricing function]
"SALAD STAND" is equipped with a "dynamic pricing function" that combines the data obtained from the AI camera with data such as purchase history, expiration date, time, weather, etc., derives the optimal price by AI, and changes the price.
By utilizing this "dynamic pricing function," we will improve the efficiency of inventory management and reduce food loss.

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